What Causes a Skipped or Late Period (Besides Pregnancy)


It can be alarming when a period is missed - especially if you’re used to your period coming like “clockwork”. For some people, irregular periods are the norm. For others, it happens once in a while. Pregnancy needs to be ruled out whenever a period is late but this is not the only cause of a late or skipped period. Below are some other possible causes of a delayed period.


Stress can interfere with the natural hormonal fluctuations in the body which can in turn interfere with ovulation and the health of the uterus. Ovulation is the process of an egg being released from the ovary and it plays an important role in signaling changes in the uterus and, eventually, a period. Stress is a common cause of a missed period. Keep in mind that sometimes, even when we feel like we are not stressed and are handling our stress well, our bodies can still be impacted by stress. We’re not always the best judges of our stress levels. The body may tell us that we’re stressed before the minds does. 

Anovulatory Cycle 

Some months, ovulation may be skipped entirely. This is known as an anovulatory cycle. Ovulation is an important step that plays a role in maintaining the lining of the uterus and the subsequent shedding of the uterus lining (i.e. a period). Sometimes, ovulation happens later than normal which can push the period back. When ovulation doesn’t happen at all, a period will eventually come due to other hormonal changes but it will often be quite late. It’s normal to have a small amount of cycles without ovulation. Sometimes, a patient will tell me that that they’re period is NEVER late and they’re wondering why they are overdue for their period. In these cases, an anovulatory cycle may be the culprit. If ovulation is skipped regularly, there may be more going on and we’ll need to investigate further. Signs of ovulation include an increase in cervical mucous and body temperature about a week after the period ends (assuming a 7 day period).   

Thyroid Imbalance

High or low thyroid levels can lead to irregular menstrual cycles. The thyroid plays a major role in the health of the reproductive system.

Weight Loss and Very Intense Exercise 

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for hormonal health. Extreme weight loss can disrupt this delicate balance. The same goes for extreme exercise. These two things can put a pause on ovulation which can delay or stop the period. Usually this leads to longer term loss of periods rather than one late cycle. 


As the body moves towards menopause, a number of changes occur including a drop in estrogen levels. This can lead to shorter or longer gaps between periods. Perimenopause can happen in the 40s but some women start to show signs of it in their 30s. 

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

PCOS tends to cause irregular cycles in general rather than the occasional missed period. In cases of PCOS, a number of factors such as elevated androgens and insulin resistance make it difficult for ovulation to happen. This in turn leads to irregular cycles. 

These are just a few of the many reasons why a period could be late or missed. If you would like to start working with a naturopathic doctor to get to the bottom of your period concerns, book a free 15 minute meet and greet and I’d be happy to give you more information about how my services can help.