Posts tagged panic attack
Feeling Like The World Is Unreal
people hugging

Have you ever gone about your day and suddenly felt like the scene unfolding around you felt more like a movie that you were watching rather than your actual reality? Or maybe it felt like you were in a dream. Things just felt different from the norm and…off. 

This may be derealization. 

What is Derealization

Derealization is often a symptom of a panic attack or it can be brought on by very high stress. It involves feeling like things around you are not real or are distorted in some way. This can lead to a feeling of detachment from your surroundings - like they are a screen that you’re watching. It can be a really scary experience that leads to feelings of panic and fears that you’re “losing your mind.”

The episode can last a few minutes, half an hour or even weeks. 

Derealization can be associated with other medical conditions as well so it’s important to mention this symptom to your doctor to get a full assessment. 


If derealization is happening during a panic attack or in response to stress and anxiety, then treating the stress and anxiety is key. This can be done with therapy, medication and natural remedies. In the moment, it’s often recommended to connect to the senses to try to ground back into reality. This includes smelling something, touching your own skin or an object or someone you trust, listening to the noises in your surroundings and counting objects that you see. A health care provider can help you come up with techniques that are tailored to your experience of derealization. 

If you want to learn more about holistic ways to manage your anxiety, click the button below to learn more about the Anxious to Empowered program.