Posts tagged oral contraceptives
Do Birth Control Pills Affect Mood and Anxiety?
birth control pills

I see so many patients who have noticed that their mood has shifted ever since starting or stopping birth control medication. I’ve heard this observation from people who take birth control pills, IUDs or other forms of birth control medication. The experience varies widely among individuals. Many are left wondering if their birth control really is affecting their mood or if it’s all in their imagination. There is actually not as much research on this topic as you would think. Because there are so many different types of birth control medications, it’s difficult for scientists to study how they impact mood.

Here is what some studies have found about birth control medication and mood:

  • Some women notice no change in mood whereas other women actually notice an improvement in mood.

  • Birth control may improve mood and anxiety during certain times of the month (e.g. before your period) and worsen mood and anxiety during other times of the month.

  • Certain birth control options may have less of a negative impact on mood like:

    • Non oral birth control medications.

    • Options with less androgenic properties (you can speak to your health care provider to learn more about what this means).

  • If you tend to have existing issues with mood (e.g. anxiety or depression), birth control medications may be more likely to worsen your mood.

  • Some people may be more susceptible than others to negative mood effects but scientists have not figured out why.

  • Negative impacts on mood may decrease with age (e.g. adolescents may experience more negative mood side effects from birth control medication compared to adults).

Ultimately, this is your health so if you feel like your mood is being positively or negatively impacted by your birth control medication, it’s worth speaking to your health care providers about it.