Posts tagged natural remedies
You Belong Here
hands touching

Naturopathic medicine and the world of wellness can seem exclusive in the eyes of some people. It can feel intimidating or like it’s only for people who look a certain way, speak a certain way or have specific beliefs. 

What do you picture when you think of the type of person who sees a naturopathic doctor? Do you imagine that they’re young, super thin, wearing fancy matching athletic clothes, sipping on kale smoothies throughout the day? Do you imagine that they are spending their days at yoga retreats, wearing handmade skirts and rejecting all modern science? I hope in this short article I can assure you that these stereotypes aren’t true and that naturopathic medicine is for everyone.

Most of the women I see are regular people from right here in the Greater Toronto Area. They’re moms, professionals and/or students just living normal lives. They’re interested in feeling better and getting healthier but they’re busy and need plans that are practical and can fit into their lives. I see anxious moms, overworked teachers, burnt out masters students, perimenopausal professionals - all kinds of people. I don’t want any of them to feel like they don’t belong because they do. 

Sometimes, culture comes into play and people feel like naturopathic medicine is only for certain cultures. They might think something along the lines of “our people don’t do all this wellness stuff.” I’ve heard that from people in my own culture. That’s also an incorrect stereotype. Whether your ancestors are from Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America - anywhere - all humans have ancestors who valued nature and used food and herbs as medicine. All cultures belong. Medicine is part of the human experience - and this is especially true for natural medicine.

So the next time you feel like you don’t belong at that gym or in that health food store or at that naturopathic doctor’s office, please think again. You belong here.