Posts tagged carbohydrates
Carbs and Mental Health

Carbs have really taken a hit in the past few decades. They are portrayed as the enemy for everything from weight gain to brain fog to allergies. Most of the trending diets (keto, carnivore, paleo) are anti-carb with heaps of information about why carbs are the enemy and why humans are not meant to eat carbs. 

The reality is that painting carbs as detrimental to health is a dramatic oversimplification of the situation. Stating that our cave-man ancestors mainly ate meat and fat is inaccurate. 

It’s really (really) hard to reconstruct the diet of our prehistoric ancestors. The level of carbohydrate intake varied by the location of a population - some may have had more and some may have had less. The evidence available suggests that carbohydrates were an important part of the development of the human species and played a key role in meeting the energy needs of humans and the development of the brilliant human brains we have today. 

Research shows us that diets rich in complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber and antioxidants are good for mental health. They promote good gut health and less inflammation which is associated with less anxiety and depression. Diets high in refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, pastries etc.) are associated with poorer mental health. 

So if you love carbs and dread the idea of dinners that look like chicken breast with a few leaves of spinach, keep this article in mind. In general carbs from sources like whole grains, vegetables and fruit are great for mental health. 

Of course, everyone’s nutritional needs are different depending on their health history. Even certain healthy carbs could be a problem for people with specific medical conditions. Health advice is not one size fits all. If you need help sorting out the right diet for you, get it touch to learn more about how I help patients.