My Promises to You

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ID 1726382 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

I promise to spend a lot of time on your case

I promise to dedicate significant time to preparing a plan for your unique concerns. I will not simply choose treatments that are in fashion right now. I’ll scrutinize all options and tailor my plan to suit your situation.

I promise to rely on high quality, scientific research

Everyone seems to be claiming that "studies show" their treatments work. Not all evidence is high quality evidence. I rely on large human studies (or I analyze several smaller studies) from reliable sources. I ensure my sources are not funded by product companies. I also gather information from experts in the field who have used certain treatments with success for years. I may also choose remedies that have been used throughout history with success.

I promise to practice with honesty, transparency and integrity

If I don’t think I can help you, I will let you know. I promise I will not make false promises. I will always be open with you about how much or how little treatments will benefit you. I will give clear, cautious information about the safety of treatments. If ever I feel that I cannot help you, I will re-focus my efforts on working hard to find people who can help you.

I promise to not judge you - just encourage you

I promise I am not here to judge you about your diet, your lifestyle, your opinions, your beliefs or anything else. Even if you have a hard time sticking to goals we set out together – I still won’t judge you. I am here to encourage and support.

I promise to not repeat things you’ve already tried…unless we can repeat it better

I promise I will not repeat things you have already tried before and found to be ineffective. The only exception to this would be if whatever you tried can be tried again in a better way. This includes better dosing, better form, better protocol etc.

I promise to be considerate about your financial situation

I promise I will always be mindful of that fact that you are paying to be here. I will work within your limitations to choose treatment plans that are affordable. You may be limited to a certain number of visits that you can afford. I will do my best to set you up with the tools you need within that time frame. I will not keep asking you to come back unless I know that it will be of value to you to do so.

I promise that it’s not all about supplements

I promise that it is not my primary intention to send you home with a ton of pills to take daily!

Samantha Dass