Calcium for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

jar of milk

Premenstrual syndrome can really bring you down for a good portion of the month. If you get a period every month, that’s a huge portion of your year and your life feeling irritable, sad, bloated or generally uncomfortable.  

There are a fair amount of studies showing that calcium can improve symptoms of PMS. It can help with emotional symptoms like anxiety and low mood and it can help with physical symptoms like bloating and headaches. 

A pretty high dose of calcium was found to be beneficial in studies which could be good news for those who love dairy and not so good news for those who are sensitive to it. Some people find that dairy (even lactose-free dairy) can upset their stomach, worsen IBS, and lead to acne breakouts. It can be helpful to work with a naturopathic doctor to sort out the best PMS treatment plan that does not interact with any health conditions you may be dealing with. 

How To Get Calcium In The Diet

Some sources of dietary calcium include: 

  • Milk, yogurt and cheese (ideally skim or lower fat rather than whole milk since higher dietary fat may worsen PMS)

  • Fortified milk alternatives like almond or oat milk (some brands provide 300mg of calcium per cup) 

  • Almonds

  • Tofu (with calcium sulfate listed in the ingredients) 

  • Beans (like white beans)

How Does Calcium Help With PMS

Some of the research suggests that women who experience PMS may need more calcium than those who do not. Calcium may support serotonin production which could help improve PMS symptoms. The exact mechanism of how calcium helps is not completely understood yet. 

If you need a plan to make your period or premenstrual symptoms more manageable, book a free 15 minute consultation to learn how naturopathic medicine can help you.