What Does a Naturopathic Doctor Do?
Are you wondering how exactly somebody like me can help you? The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges put together a survey to find out the top conditions naturopathic doctors treated in 2015. The survey also ranked the methods that naturopathic doctors used to treat patients.
Here were the top 10 conditions treated by NDs:
- Digestive system disorders
- Women’s health issues
- Hormonal issues
- Infertility and reproduction problems
- Insomnia, fatigue, fibromyalgia
- Problems with the immune system
- Pediatric conditions
- Pain, arthritis
- Cardiovascular disease (high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc.)
The top three methods that NDs used to treat their patients were:
- Improving nutrition
- Herbal/ botanical medicine
- Mind body medicine
I would say that my experience is in line with the findings from this survey. I would also add that I’ve done a lot of work with weight management, mental health, controlling blood sugar and much more. I also often use acupuncture and lifestyle changes to help my patients.
Do you think naturopathic medicine can help you? Don’t hesitate to book an appointment or a free 15- minute phone consultation.